So I'm still waiting for my stuff to arrive, according to FedEx that will be Thursday. In the meantime since my wrist still hurts I'm planning new designs that will use my new goodies. Some of the things I ordered are little glass bottle pendants, I'm thinking tiny Perma-Pet necklaces.
I also got some nice pastel gemstone beads and I was thinking about making some winter cuttlefish using translucent clay mixed with a little blue and white and tinting with pearl ex in various wintry colors.
Not entirely sure how I'm going to decorate them yet but I ordered some blank barrettes and hairsticks.
I'm sure other ideas will come to me once I have my little paws on my new supplies and can start playing with them.

What an insult to the art form I love so much.
Hey look, I got myself a troll. My blog must be moving up in the world.
trolls abound... I've gotten used to them now, just delete them, it's what I do
I always love it when you can't visit their blog to leave a comment. Wonder why that is? Harhar. Mortar's statement doesn't even make sense.
I didn't know what a blog troll was until I read the comments. My immediate word picture was a little troll doll at a tiny computer blogging. LOL I see I was wrong. Drive By Slamming - totally worthless, he/she doesn't even get a back link from it. What a waste of energy. Glad you were able to turn it into something useful - commentary on the troll at least gets your blog some google-juice; at least I **think** it does. Hope so, anyway.
I doubt I'll get any google juice out of it but it gave me a laugh anyway.
Just to explain something, this troll is using the exact language I used on another blog in response to a post on a blog I follow about someone who sent hate mail and threats to the writer of the blog (and apparently claims to be a sculptor).
I don't know who this 'mortar' is but I suspect he may have found my blog through that one. Otherwise it's an awful big coincidence to use that phrase. So I actually got a bit bigger laugh out of it than I would usually.
Congratulations on your very own troll. I think it's a sign that you're definitely moving up. Too bad your troll isn't articulate enough to discuss his/her opinion intelligently.
Did the supplies arrive yet?
at Rings & Things
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