Thursday, November 06, 2008

Cuttlefish Experimentation

So the election and post-election celebration so back to your regularly scheduled Noadi's Art programming.

I recently finished a couple new cuttlefish that were experiments in new techniques.

First is this Violet Cuttlefish. I've done a cuttlefish in this color scheme before but the change in this one is that instead of painting the cuttlefish I used a purple blend of premo and super sculpey with just a little bit of painting for accents. The varnish has misty lavender pearl ex mixed in.

The slightly bigger experiment in colored clay is this Ancient Bronze Cuttlefish. I blended up some green and browns in premo and super sculpey and mashed them all together but didn't blend the colors much to give it a mottled look. Then I rubbed pearl ex powders on the raw clay in super bronze, aztec gold, and spring green, trying to keep the green on green spots and the metallic on brown spots then popped it in the oven. A coat of varnish makes all my cuttlefish shiny and also seals in the powder and paint.

I also rethought my cuttlefish bracelets and have two nice looking ones now that I'm happy with.

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