Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Thoughts on my art and where it might be going.
Like I said that painting was a definite learning experience and it's made me rethink my artwork a lot and what direction I want to take it in. If you haven't noticed, recently I haven't been producing any pixel art. Honestly while I enjoy pixel art it just doesn't interest me in the way that it used to and the Pixelation community has become a lot less enjoyable for me. I'm still pixeling, I have to for Shaman but it's not a big focus for me artistically anymore.
More and more I've been drawn to what you could call "traditional media" pencil, pen and ink, watercolor. Not necesarily on purpose that's just where I've been going, like I said pixeling appeals less to me lately and I can't afford a tablet for cg work which does interest me a lot but I can't work with a mouse with any decent control. I guess everyone has to look around for what fits them, and right now it's drawing and painting that fits me.
About my painting, I totally in love with watercolors. I had a rather cheap Reeves set of watercolors and those were nice for playing with but I'm moving up to much better quality paints and just from the little I've worked with them so far there is a huge difference. Thanks to MsLilypond from WetCanvas I have a bunch of tubes of Winsor Newton Cotman and Grumbacher Academy colors, both of these paints are considered student quality which means they are reasonably priced and of decent quality for serious students (Reeves and other cheaper paints are considered Scholastic which are more for kids and school use) so far they are quite nice to use and a huge improvement over the cheaper paints.
However I have 3 other tubes of watercolors that are just amazing M Graham makes proffesional quality watercolor paints and they sent me 3 sample tubes when I wrote to them asking for information about their paints. They outshine my other new paints they are so brilliant in color, and painting with them is amazing. Eventually I'd like to have my whole pallete of colors be M Graham. If you get into watercolors and want to move to a pro paint I've got to recomend them, they are wonderful and the prices aren't bad either from browsing online they seem to range from $4.50-11.00 per 15ml tube.
If you want more info on watercolors is an amazing site to check out, it has information on paints, papers, brushes, color mixing, and techniques.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Art process: Watercolor Painting "Summoning a Forest Spirit" Preliminary Work
This blog is only about my preliminary drawing since to do the entire piece is way too long for one blog plus I'm not done yet. I'll post the actual painting steps when I've finished.
The Planning Stage
This stage has no pictures. I rarely create thumbnail sketches for one shot pieces like this (I thumbnail quite a bit for comic pages). I've had a large piece of watercolor paper just sitting around for quite a while, it's 14x11 inches which is a size I almost never work in so I had just been gathering dust in my desk drawer ever since it had been given to me along with a few other odd sized pieces. Every so often I'd dig out these odd sized pieces and see if I could think of anything to use for them.
Well an idea for a spirit summoning piece with Noadi had been floating around in my head for a while so when I looked at that piece of paper again it struck me as perfect for this idea. So I took some of my cheap scratch paper (my aunt gave me about 30 lbs of this cream colored paper in 22x30 sheets that I use for rough sketching) and cut several pieces in half to 15x11 inches and gathered my reference material together including several articles on perspective since I want to improve my use of perspective.
I decided I wanted Noadi seated in a fairy ring (ring of mushrooms) in the forest beating a drum to call a spirit. It was going to be a forest spirit so I decided I didn't want it anthropomorphic, so I gathered some animal pictures and made it a combination of several small woodland creatures (mainly fox for the head, weasel for the body, chipmunk and fawn for the markings).
The Pose
Since Noadi was going to be the focus of this piece I decided to get the basics for her down first which is where I ran into a lot of trouble. Little did I realize that sitting on the ground with your legs folded "indian style" is an extremely tricky pose to draw, especially at the angle I chose.
Try #1: Everything from the waist down is wrong.
Try #2: Still not right.
Try #3: After some help on #pixelation it's a little better but still wrong.
Try #4: Helm stays up late with me and helps out a lot. His help on the top with the red lines, my adjustment on the bottom.
Try #5: Ask for help at Wetcanvas on the figure channel. Got some help and a sketch from yeticatcher to help. His sketch on the top my new version on the bottom.
Try#6: After some more suggestion on Wetcanvas and taking a reference photo of myself with my webcam this is what I got.
At this point I decided to take a break from the figure even though I wasn't completely happy with it and focus on the background.
The Background
I started working on the background with the outline circle for the fairy ring, I wasn't quite happy with the shape,
BG #1: Changed the fairy ring shape and started adding grass and mushrooms.
BG #2: Continued tweaking the shape, adding mushrooms, and now there's a tree with a few shelf fungi.
BG #3: Added more detail and began drawing the little spirit.
BG #4: Posted on Wetcanvas fantasy channel for advice. Added to the background.
BG #5: As reccomended on Wetcanvas I changed the circle outline again and added more detail to the background.
At this point I had most of the background done and started adding soem finishing touches.
Finishing Touches.
On the advice of from wetcanvas I put a drape over Noadi's legs to disguise some fo the oddness of the pose, it helped imensely since I think there is no way at my skill level I could have ever made that look natural at that angle. I also added more detail like the bunny, the bird in the background and some texture.
At this point I was basically happy with the sketch. Unfortunately it was slightly too large for the paper so I scanned it and printed it at the proper size then traced it onto the watercolor paper with my lightbox and proceeeded to ink. I didn't worry about varying the line width much since I plan to ink over the major lines again after painting.
Next blog I'll go over how I added the color with traditional watercolor paints and watercolor pencil.
Monday, November 01, 2004
November Shaman Update
Nynne has completed some new music. I've only listened to one of the songs so far but it's amazing as usual.
I've been slacking off a bit on graphics, I've only done some pallete swapping and minor edits since my first blog.
I haven't been slacking on coding. Version 6 of Game Maker has come out so I spent some time converting Shaman over to the new engine which has some great features that I want to take advantage of. I've also been working on the Battle System, it's slow going so far since I've never coded something like this before. Currently I can call battles, display the characters, enemies, and stats, engine mechanics are next and will probably take a while unless I have some sort of stroke of genius (which I don't expect to happen).
So that's what's going on. If you have any pressing questions please by all means leave a comment and I'll answer them in my next blog.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Creating a Mythology Part 3: Personal History
I just want to stress to you the importance of detail. Without detail, your characters are flat. A plain old wizard with a long grey beard and impressive spells isn't much to go on. But if you wizard also has a gambling problem and is trying to train his 14 year old flightly niece the business, that's far more entertaining and suggests possible plots.
It's not enough to just give them a background story, you have to reflect that history in how the character acts. For example, it would make sense for someone who had a relative die by snake bite to have a strong fear and hatred of snakes, so work that in. A mercenary wouldn't be from a noble family unless there was a good reason for it (like being stripped of his land and titles for some offence) so either give him a reason or give him a commoner background.
That's all I really have to say, except to enjoy your characters. You'll be working with them for a while so don't create characters that bore you to tears.
Here's some wonderful links to resources of creating characters (those better writers I mentioned).
Fiction Writer's Character Chart
Creating Memorable Characters
Ways to Ruin Your Dialogue Part 4
On Thud and Blunder
You and Your Characters
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Creating a Mythology Part 2: Recent History
Recent history is important events in your world that have affected people in a major way but did not actively involve your characters. This is stuff that usually happened during their parents or grandparents time. Kind of like how some one in their twenties like me view the Civil Rights Movement or WWII, they are major events that to this day affect my life but I wasn't around when they happened.
The biggest event you could probably have in your recent history would probably be a war but a lot more falls into the catagory as well, there could have been a plague in the last 50 years and the population is still recovering, there's the crowning of a new monarch through the natural death of the previous ruler or assasination or coup, maybe there were major advances in science or magic in the recent past (think about the advances in medicine in the last 50 years for an example).
Whatever it is you should have a far more detailed description than you would for an ancient history event. You need to know the events (major and some minor for anectdotal uses), the people involved, the places involved, and most importantly how it affects the lives of your characters. If it doesn't affect their lives you don't need any more description than an ancient history event. Exactly how detailed you go is up to you and the needs of your world but in my experience it's usually better to write too much background than too little and come up short down the road.
Probably most importantly for recent history is the chronology. Make a time line and assign dates to when things happened, because you will need to know how long before your story an event occured and in what order. It's incredibly important to keep track of these things for continuity, because trust me a reader or player will notice if a 30 year old starts talking about an event 40 years in the past.
I hope you've found this interesting and helpful if you're building a world. Next time I'll be writing about character's personal histories.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Creating a Mythology Part 1: Ancient History
I could have called this "Creating History" but in a fictional world filled with magic the word history didn't seem to fit but one definition of mythology is "a body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes" which seems to describe filling in the background of a fantasy world pretty well.
So the logical place to start in this is from the distant past and work up (of course I didn't start logically I did character backgrounds first). A tried and true method of creating a fantasy history is to study real history and adapt parts of it to what you need. As the famous quote goes "There is nothing new under the sun." now while this might not be true in an absolutely literal sense, if you take a look at history things do tend to happen over and over (I think because no matter how technologically advanced we become people are still driven by the same motivations), so history is a great source of inspiration. Just to name a few instances of where history has been used to good effect: in Star Wars the republic then rise of the empire and resistance to it's expansion parallels Roman history quite a bit, in The Belgariad and Mallorean by David Eddings the peoples of the world are strongly influenced by real people from history like the Romans, the Vikings, Medieval England, etc
The best way to do this I believe is to borrow from history loosely, following history too closely is going to be very obvious to any of your readers who have paid attention in history class. For example if you want say a large empire that influences most of the known world Rome is a great historical example but I wouldn't go so far as to give them Latin sounding names, put them in togas, and hold massive gladitorial games. In other words if you use big events make the details your own.
So how have I used this in my world? Well I decided that I didn't want any empires on Noadi's continent (the others don't come in to play often so I could have one there if I wanted) but fallen empires are great. They give a rich history of why things are the way they are, they set up an environment where while the empire is gone the people have become used to large scale trade and contact with others, they explain why some areas have more technology ( or magical knowledge) than you would expect in a small kingdom. Really the basis of the middle ages was the ruin of the Roman Empire.
So in the distant past about 1400 years ago (based on Noadi's time) a large empire that stretched over most of the continent crumbled. Not unlike the Romans this empire started collapsing due to internal problems, the peasants were unhappy because of food shortages caused by the negligence of the nobility, the nobility were to absorbed in it's own squabbles to see outside problems, and in the conquered areas the people were revolting against oppressive regional governments. Now the empire might have recovered from that if it were for a plague that swept over the land at about that time, wiping out huge segments of the population and so quickly that those mages who didn't succumb to it themselves didn't have the time to come up with a cure before it had already done it's worst. The empire crumbled from all the stress.
It's a simple outline, but it's also distant history. It doesn't need to be incredibly in depth except for areas where it's vital to your story to have a little more information. You just need to know how and why this history effects your characters and story.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Thoughts on Creating a Fantasy World Part 2 - Populations and Not Planning Enough
I've been going through this list of world building questions written by author Patricia Wrede, in order to get a more organized view of Diona. They are very detailed and really get you thinking about what you need in your world. Tonight I was going through the first world section that deals with the basics of geography and populations. And this is actually a very basic vital part of creating a world since without places and people you haven't got much but it an easy thing to overlook. I've been working on Diona for four years and reading that list of questions I realized that I had left out some very important stuff like population sizes.
Organization is something I'm not very good at so without a detailed plan of what I need to do I'm likely to overlook very vital things without realizing it, because like I said in my previous blog I tend to move from one thing to another as my chain of thought progresses rather than following a plan. I realize now that this was a big mistake. After reading the above list of questions and rereading the Rivan Codex I realize how incredibly unstructured my work on Diona has been and how it's hurt the progression of the world.
A good example of me really messing up and not planning was made apparent by this question on the list:
"Are there non-human inhabitants of this planet (elves, dwarves, aliens)? If so, how numerous? How openly present? What areas do they occupy (examples: dwarves in mountains or caves, elves in forests, etc.)?"
I know I want non-human people on Diona but with the exception of a handful of demons I really have no clue what I want for non-humans because they just haven't come up in my writing so far. This was my answer to it, you can see how very basic it is because I really don't have it planned enough:
"Yes. There are demons (not all are malicious this is just a catch-all term for peoples who live between the spirit worlds and the physical world) there are also people fully of the physical world who are not human. Humans are by far the most numerous intelligent inhabitant of the world due to higher birth rates. Non-human peoples have their own lands though some have traveled and lived among humans and with only a few exceptions they are not hostile towards humans and vis versa though there are occational clashes. Pretty openly present, they don't hide themselves but most people never see them because they tend to travel mostly to the cities and other trading centers so villagers wouldn't have contact with them unless they either lived near the lands of a non-human people or traveled."
What I should have is a detailed list of all the non-human peoples and what their populations are and where they live, etc. I'm planning to fix this quite soon but I need to do a little more earth mythology research before I start writing them up.
In general I've learned I really need to plan more. I fully intend to spend the next little while going through that list and answering every question I can, and then start working on answering those I can't. If you'd like to see the questions I've answered so far you can check it out here.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Thoughts on creating a Fantasy World Part 1 - Starting Out and the Importance of Research
There's a lot I could say about building Diona, enough for a years worth of blogs (so you'll probably hear about this some more) and I thought I should share some of my thoughts, experiences and mistakes with you.
I first started creating Diona back in late 1999 or early 2000. Back then it was incredible simple and really not that good, I've since scrapped everything from it except the name and the map outline (Diona happens to be the name of a small village in the Sahara that I came across in a National Geographic article and I liked the name). Mistake #1 that I made was jumping into it with no planning or research, I sketched a map and thought "Hey, it'll be easy to fill up the world!" I was very very wrong. First of all I had no idea what sort of world I wanted, I knew I wanted mages, and magic critters but that was it.
David Eddings in his book the Rivan Codex says to start with a map. Now I don't think a map has to be the absolute first thing you do, it does need to be done very early in the world building process, because a blank map with just the continents and other geographical features is incredibly helpful for planning where to put different people and determining the borders of countries.
I very quickly learned that I am utterly terrible at creating names from nothing, the majority of the names I use are historical names from various cultures (Irish, Finnish, Icelandic, Old/Middle English). And names are very important, a lake on a map isn't that interesting without a name and of course characters need names. That was how my research for Diona started, looking for names. As I searched I started finding more and more useful information for world building and I realized how awful a lot of my stuff was, I had no real plan a lot of what I had was really unoriginal and some of it was just plain dumb, so like I said before I tossed most of it and started over. I made a long list of everything I needed and started filling it in, four years later there are still a lot of gaps in it and things that really need more detail and filling out. It's a work and progress and probably always will be, from what I've read Tolkien never stopped working on Middle Earth so I may never finish working on Diona.
The first thing I did when restarting was really start thinking about what structure I wanted for my world. By this point I already had the character of Noadi forming in my head and knew I wanted her to live in a small village of semi-tribal people not controlled by any kingdom. For her to live in an area like that it had to be a place away from more settled areas, mostly wilderness, etc. This led me to thinking about vegetation and climate, where should I put forests, jungles, swamps, plains, etc. so I started reasearching that, one thing just keeps leading to another area of research. Vegetation led to farming which led to how advanced technology should be and so on.
Currently I'm working on really nailing down how shamans work, I've been working on some runes, casting circle layout, shamanic drumming (easy since I play drums so I really couldn't leave it out), what spirits they can communicate with and how, what spells they can cast and how, how companion animals work. I've done a some of this before but now I'm really working on the details to get it right. Most of these details will never show up in Shaman but I can guarantee a lot of it will show up in my comic or art.
That's it for now, I have lots more to say but I'll leave that for future blogs.
Some helpful places to go should you be interested in world building.
- World building resources is a list of world building resources, the page has been around a while so there are a few dead links but the majority of the page is great stuff.
- Suite 101 Worldbuilding has several good articles on world building.
- The Language Construction Kit has how to create your own invented language and alphabet.
- Medieval Name Archive an SCA site with huge lists of names.
- Fantasy Mapmaking 101 creating good maps.
- The Rivan Codex great book by David and Leigh Eddings that has a lot of the background material on the world that created for the Belgariad and Mallorean and the introduction has a wealth of information in it. If you want to see how a pro writer creates a world check this out, I've reread my copy several times since I got it last December. However I would not reccomend it to anyone who has not read one of the books based in this world because it wouldn't make much sense due to the many references to the actual series.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
First ever blog.
So first of all I've redesigned both of my webpages very recently. The new design for has been up for about two weeks, and was put up today. Both sites have polls up asking what you think of the layouts. As a new feature on the sites I now have a couple cafepress shops, one for each site. Noadi's Shaman Shop is all merchandise featuring my artwork and the exact prints will be rotated regularly. Shaman RPG Shop is all stuff with a Shaman logo on it. I don't expect to make much if anything off these, mostly it's just for fun though by all means buy something if you like it.
Shaman is progressing very slowly. My programmer appears to have dropped off the face of the earth without giving me my battle system. So I'm left with programming the battle system myself which is obviously quite the setback. I do however have some wonderful friends who have offered to help where they can I really appreciate it, though they might now appreciate me when I start bugging them constantly. My wonderful composer Nynne has given me a batch of new music for Shaman and all of it is incredible, I can't wait to have a demo out if only so you can hear how it matches Shaman so well.
So for the other random stuff going on. The Shaman comic is progressing, I'm really not working on it quite as much as I should be. I've been doing some basic world building stuff for Diona like creating an alphabet/rune system, I'm mostly creating it for my own use though you may see some of the letters occationally in my art especially if I illustrate much spell casting. In stuff completely outside of Shaman I've been doing some beading, I made a rather pretty hair quill, you can see a picture here but it's pretty grainy because of my camera. I've been looking for stuff I can make reasonably fast that would sell nicely at a craft fair and I think I found one because really they only take 30 minutes or so to make, not counting the time it takes for the varnish and glue to dry and I'm sure it'll take less time the more practice I get.