Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I Need Your Feedback

I've had the Noadi's Art Shop up for a few weeks now and so far it's looking pretty good, I'm getting a decent amount of traffic and interest. What I need from my wonderful readers is some feedback on what they would like to see in my store. So the comments are open, let me have it.


Tara said...

More perma-pets, better pics of them too (more close up of the detail of the creature inside)...

Maybe perma-pets you could customize? Like requesting a specific name on the label?

I'd also like to see perma-pets in different housing.. like different size/styles of jars or more aquarium like structures.

What do you think about making hair sticks with the clay different sea creatures on the end?

Just some ideas. Thank you for this opportunity to provide feedback/ideas/comments. I love your work! Keep up the great job!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the feedback!

I've been working on the best way to photograph the Perma-Pets so I can get better shots. They're really hard to light with the way the jars reflect, but I think I'm getting there and I'll have more pictures soon. I have 5 more finished perma-pets ready to be put up on the site after I get pics.

I'm trying to find just the right containers for other perma-pets, I'd especially like a taller elongated container so I can do squid with long tentacles.

I hadn't though of doing hair sticks, that's a cool idea. I'm going to have to give it a try.

Dom said...

What about, like... Smaller things that you also sell on ebay? I dunno.

Also, contests. People love contests. it'll be a good way to bring in some traffic.

Also, you could make sculptures of celebrities?